Mushrooms are the most ancient, almost eternal substance.
It is very, very difficult to eradicate mushrooms from the human body. If the fungus has already settled in and, relatively speaking, has developed its mycelium, then quite complex problems arise.
There are different types of mushrooms. There are supposedly noble mushrooms, and there are lower mushrooms (called mold). Mushrooms have a lot of brands, a lot of names, more than 50 species. There are low-toxic mushrooms, there are forest mushrooms, there are lower ones, there are higher ones. There is a whole class of higher mushrooms – Chinese cordyceps, racketeer.
What is the meaning of the mushroom?
The point is that it has a genetic code and is not a single individual, but an individual that lives in colonies. Moreover, between these colonies there is a precise relationship of segments. That is, each mushroom element is connected to other mushroom elements by thousands of segmental connections.
If we want our body to be free of mushrooms, the only thing we can do is not give it food. Because if our body has enough food for mushrooms, then they will be in it. For example, there is bread in the breadbox. Mold has formed on it. If you remove the bread and leave the mold, then gradually this mold will die. Because she will have nothing to eat. It will dry out and not reproduce, because it needs nutrients to reproduce. Mold feeds mainly on protein foods because it needs amino acids.
For example, we take flour, add sugar, oil – energy, add water, add yeast – this is a special kind of mold – bread mold. Next, we give this mold a temperature, always 37, then we give it special humidity and oxygen. And then it begins to multiply and reanimate. Moreover, before that it was in the refrigerator at a temperature of -18. Or it lay dry for another 10 years. Its germination rate will decrease slightly, but not significantly, it will still sprout. It is impossible to kill mold, even if you overcook the bread. Because if you throw overcooked crackers into kvass, the kvass will bubble. This suggests that as soon as it gets into the protein-carbohydrate environment, it begins to multiply.
Everything that is yeast carries a certain mold danger for us. Because the types of mold are all friendly, that is, they are in their own class. And where one mold lives, another or a third can live.
One of the most pathogenic types of mold for us is Candida.
But there are more, much more harmful molds, such as aspirgyrus, black mold, mucurusumusus.
Mold is a unifying word; in fact, every fungus is different.
Nail fungi are not the same as candida.
Some fungi affect the lymph nodes in the groin, others under the breasts, others affect the nail plate and live only on the nails.
Some affect only the mucous membranes and live in the mouth, in the form of candidiasis and stomatitis, or in the vagina in the form of candidiasis and vaginitis.
Some fungi affect the skin and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, but everywhere they are a class of fungi.
How do mushrooms enter the body?
Fungi enter the body:
• with spoiled food,
• with water,
• from the air,
• with old dusty things.
It is very rightly said that if an apricot or grape is moldy, then you cannot eat it. But if there is mold in the box, then all the fruit has it.
Our body has a good factor – the concentration of gastric juice, which suppresses this mold, and, in theory, it should not penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.
Mold can invade us through our skin. Wherever we steam, where we walk barefoot, wherever there are conditions for it, that is, humidity, temperature, organic residues (for example, dirt or human fat) – there is food for mold.
How does fungus get between the toes? It will not leak through intact skin, it is not even magnetic to it. But if there are microtraumas in the skin: scratches, diaper rash, damage to the skin, then the fungus instantly clings there. And once it passes the skin barrier, it takes root.
Signs of a fungus in the human body
Anything that causes itching.
1. If a person’s ear itches, then there is only one option – a fungus, there are no other options. Something happened in my ear, something hurts there, something is leaking there, but if itching appears, it’s a fungus.
2. Cracks, bubbles, abrasions (not calluses, but abrasions of an incomprehensible nature are formed, as if nothing was washed, for example, in the groin folds – something wet is formed). Wherever it peels, cracks and gets wet at the same time.
3. People often come and show something incomprehensible on their palms, on the backs of their hands, as if scratched or burned. Everything on the hands, under the armpits, in the groin folds are all mushrooms. If something white and cheesy comes out from somewhere, then these are also mushrooms. It doesn’t matter whether it comes from the mouth, vagina, or bronchi or tonsils.
4. Everything that is white and curdled on the tongue is all mushrooms. In the evening we went to bed – the tongue was normal, in the morning we got up – covered with a white coating. The white coating is a fungus. The lymphatic system collects this white coating on the tongue all night, like on doormats, and puts it aside, because it is then released. It is scraped off the tongue and spat out or expectorated along with the food.
There should be no coating on the tongue. You need to scrape your tongue with a stick or spoon. The tongue should be pink, with pronounced papillae.
5. Everything that doesn’t hurt is a fungus. Because mushrooms chew through nerve endings. A huge number of nerve endings go to the skin. What would a psoriasis patient feel if huge surfaces of his skin were constantly, every second, irritated, he would simply go crazy with pain. When we prick our finger with a button, the pain is such that we jump. If the surfaces of psoriasis were painful, then it would be a strong painful irritation, and the person would die from painful shock. The fungus works with this purposefully, it bites off everything, conquers the skin and makes it manageable. He has his own castles, his own palaces there.
6. Everything that crumbles on the skin falls off, rises, peels off in rings (evenly, unevenly), wherever there are scales.
As a rule, the fungus is located in the area of large lymph nodes, for one simple reason – the fungus is located in the intercellular space. Here is a cell, here is the intercellular space – water, the potential of this water is approximately 50. The environment must be either alkaline or acidic; fungus multiplies around the cells. Here it enters with the blood flow from the digestive tract into the intercellular water. Intercellular water must flow, water must flow here every morning, and every morning it must drain and leave. It is released through the lymphatic system. Lymphatic ducts end in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes have compartments, 10 entrances, one exit. And here the lymphocytes process those vital molecular forms that have been sucked in here and cleansing occurs. Clean lymph goes in one direction, and dirty lymph goes in the other, to be thrown out.
A man has a pain in his knee joint. Between the joints there is cartilage. What can hurt here? Bones cannot hurt, cartilage too, there are no pain endings there. There is fluid between the cartilages. It doesn’t hurt either, but it can be inflamed, someone can live in it. Behind the joint, on the side of the popliteal fossa, there are lymph nodes. If there is a fungus on the legs, it will rise up to the popliteal lymph nodes. The lymph nodes will retain the fungus, and at this moment they will stop allowing water to flow upward. The joint will swell. And when it swells, it will hurt.
What will the body do? It will raise the temperature to increase microcirculation so that leukocytes will come to the joint.
What will the doctor do? Pain relief, prescribe aspirin.
Will this help? Will not help.
Will Belagil help? Will not help.
Will Diclofenac help? Will not help.
Will ultrasound help? No.
First you need to figure out what’s in the joint. Either fungi or bacteria.
If a person has fungi all over his toenails, guess three times what is in his joint? Mushrooms. And no antibiotics will help here. Because the lymphatic system of the upper segment will hold the same thing that is in the lower segment so that they do not go further, otherwise the fungus will take over everything. This is a cordon, this is a border outpost. No one will go higher than it. If someone settles somewhere, then a war develops there. The war between white blood cells and whoever settled.
The one who has settled in the body is of 5 types:
• viruses
• mushrooms
• helminths
• protozoa
• bacteria
Protozoa do not live in joints. Toxoplasma, Giardia, and Apistorchi do not live here. If someone has settled in the joint, the disease will end in – it. Bronchitis, arthritis, sinusitis, gastritis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, nephritis and so on. Someone lives there, there is a war going on, an infection.
There are 5 types of infection
To make it clear, sinusitis is some kind of pus in our nose. What is this pus in the nose, where did it come from? The nose is a hole, just a hole, just a sinus. There is nothing else, there can be no pus there. It may come up on the lymphatic system escalator. But he will come along his own path. Why does it go up your nose? To be thrown out, to go outside.
It can go into the bronchi, into the vagina, into the intestines. It goes from the upper body to the nose, but from the genital tract to the nose.
From the genital tract he will land on the first floor of the elevator. It is useless to fight leucorrhoea and discharge; there is no need to fight this. If they exist, what does this mean? That there is a fungus and that the lymphatic system works. When you didn’t touch it, but it went away on its own, what does this mean? That everything is normal, that everything was okay if it stopped on its own.
If you use an antifungal agent every day, then you will not have any viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Only in acceptable levels or in minimal concentrations so that it does not cause you any harm.
It is very important to understand what mushrooms do in the body. They just live. They feed, reproduce, move, move. What are we doing? We feed, grow, and constantly add, every day. Either we drink kefir grains, then we drink snotty kombucha, then we drink beer, then we eat yeast bread from morning to night, then we start drinking yeast.
Nail fungi can be cured. Treatment is needed inside and out. Only from the outside, nail fungi cannot be cured. It’s also difficult from the inside separately. But if it’s on both sides, then it can be cured within even six months. But again, you need to understand the mechanism; fungi do not live on the nails, but inside the joint fluid. From the knee to the foot, all the lymph is infected with fungus.
Colloidal silver is effective against fungi
Colloidal silver is another alternative therapy that can be used to treat fungi.
Colloidal silver is a mineral that has strong antibiotic activity. It is considered a powerful remedy that can fight fungi, bacteria, yeast and viruses. Therefore, there is a lot of evidence supporting the use of colloidal silver in the treatment of fungi.
Colloidal silver works in a variety of ways to kill fungi at the site of the infection and treat fungi.
An effective remedy against fungi – COLLOIDAL SILVER ARGITOS
Fungi must be effectively combated comprehensively from the outside and from the inside. Topical use of colloidal silver is more common than oral use and is completely safe.
1. A 100 ml bottle of ARGITOS colloidal silver with a spray can be sprayed directly onto the affected area or applied as compresses 3-5 times a day. The effect will be noticeable after 30 days.
2. It is mainly used on areas affected by fungus. It does not cause pain at the site of infection, cracked or damaged skin due to fungus. It does not destroy skin tissue and cells, but harms microbes and promotes healing.
3. Bottle of ARGITOS Colloidal Silver with a cap, 115 ml. Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 1 time per day between meals, can be diluted in water or juice. For optimal absorption, hold in the mouth for 3-5 minutes, then swallow. In case of illness, the intake of colloidal silver can be increased to 2-3 times a day. Take colloidal silver orally in courses: for 15 days, after 15 days continue taking it.