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Коллоидное серебро ArgitosКоллоидное серебро ArgitosКоллоидное серебро Argitos

Properties of nanosilver

ARGITOS nanosilver is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and absolutely harmless to humans, animals, plants and living beings with a multicellular structure.

Nanosilver has anti-inflammatory activity. Studies have shown that nanosilver enhances the action of enzymes that play an important role in anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes, suppresses the expression of necrosis factor (tissue death) and causes the death of inflammatory cells. Nanosilver affects cytokines involved in tissue healing. Thus, nanosilver promotes not only the rapid healing of burns and wounds, but also the reduction of scars after wounds.

The mechanism of action of silver nanoparticles on bacteria and fungi:

  • silver nanoparticles destroy the cell wall of the bacterium, causing its instant death from physical destruction, and not from toxin poisoning;
  • silver nanoparticles block the respiratory enzymes of bacteria, with the help of which they ensure their vital functions, which leads to the loss of their biological activity of these enzymes and, accordingly, the death of the microorganism.
  • interaction with the DNA of a microorganism, which leads to disruption of the mechanism of cell division and DNA replication.

Nanosilver does not kill bacteria, but promotes the slow death of bacteria and reduces their ability to reproduce, creating an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and reproduce. At the same time, while performing its functions, silver is not depleted, but continues to work again and again. At the same time, silver does not kill a living cell, which is especially important for serious chronic infections (chlamydia, intracellular infections, uroplasmosis, etc.).

The mechanism of action of silver nanoparticles on viruses:

  • blocking by silver nanoparticles the process of virus attachment to the cell and penetration into it;
  • blocking the DNA of the virus, which makes it impossible for the virus to replicate.

Silver nanoparticles have properties that silver samples of normal sizes do not have. It is known, for example, that silver does not participate in most chemical reactions. However, silver nanoparticles not only become very good catalysts for chemical reactions (accelerate their occurrence), but also directly participate in chemical reactions.

A wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, the lack of resistance to it in most pathogenic mechanisms, low toxicity, and lack of allergenicity contribute to increased interest in nanosilver in many countries around the world and the creation of various anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal medications based on it.

Based on research, it has been revealed that pathogenic microflora is much more sensitive to colloidal nanosilver than non-pathogenic microflora. Thus, colloidal nanosilver is absolutely safe for humans, animals and plants.

The biocidal additive “Nanosilver ARGITOS” was tested for biocidal activity and received a positive conclusion from the Research Institute of Disinfectology and the Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after. F.F. Erisman” Rospotrebnadzor.