- deficiency of silver in the body
- colds and infections
- bronchopulmonary diseases
- weak immunity and allergic reactions
- viral, bacterial and fungal infections
- chronic fatigue, stress, poor sleep
- gastrointestinal diseases
- oral diseases
It has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic effects. The unique characteristics of ARGITOS colloidal silver are the lack of habituation of microorganisms to it and the safety of use, which makes this product indispensable in complex programs for the treatment of various inflammatory processes in the body.
Silver, as a microelement, is part of almost all human tissues and organs. This is one of the elements responsible for the production of healthy red blood cells. The problem is that only 5% of the silver that comes from food is absorbed in the body. Doctors have identified a group of people who suffer from a lack of silver in the body and are successfully cured with proper replenishment.
Signs of silver deficiency in the body in people:
- haste and fussiness;
- anxiety and depression;
- pale, dry skin;
- poor coordination of movements;
- neurological pain (left side);
- migraines (right sided);
- frequent dizziness;
- problems with the spine;
- gastritis and ulcers;
- bronchial asthma;
- skin pathologies.
Principle of operation
The smallest particles of colloidal silver block respiratory enzymes, with the help of which bacteria ensure their vital functions. Colloidal silver is not a drug that kills bacteria, but rather promotes the slow death of bacteria and reduces their ability to reproduce, creating an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and reproduce. At the same time, while performing its functions, silver is not depleted, but continues to work again and again. At the same time, silver does not kill a living cell, which is especially important in case of serious chronic infections. Pathogenic microflora is much more sensitive to colloidal silver than non-pathogenic microflora. Thus, ARGITOS Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans and animals.
Taking ARGITOS Colloidal Silver helps to compensate for the deficiency of this important microelement in the body, improve immunity, reduce allergic reactions, increase oxygen supply to the brain, and increase the intensity of metabolic processes in nerve tissues.
Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) daily between meals. Can be diluted in juice or water. For optimal absorption, you can hold it in the mouth for 3-5 minutes, then swallow. Duration of treatment – 15 days. After 15 days, repeat the dose.
Ingredients: colloidal silver, aqueous extract of propolis.
The silver content in 5 ml is 70 mcg.
Free of preservatives, gluten and GMOs.
Storage conditions: at temperatures from +8 to +25 °C.
Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture.